It has come to pass that the government is snooping on all our emails, cell phone conversations and other forms of electronic communications without obtaining a warrant to do so. This is, to say the least, highly illegal. It is, however, a fact. The government doesn’t even hide it. They have told us they are doing so in the name of “combating terrorism” on American soil. Even though they know that it is illegal for them to conduct such activities, they have passed illegal laws to make their actions appear to be legal. The worst part is that nobody is challenging them. When someone does challenge them, they seem to end up dead by “suicide” or they just seem to disappear from the face of the Earth.
This is unacceptable. There is absolutely no other way to look at it. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all Americans to resist such behavior and actions. The problem is, email, cell phones and such have become such an integral part of our lives that it is next to impossible to expect all Americans to stop using them. So, I suggest, instead, give them what they are looking for. They are looking for certain key words. Words like exercise, bomb, president, terror, action, drill, etc. In other words, any word that can be misconstrued to mean something other than their original intent.
For example, if I were to write in an email, “I went to the store and purchased a new drill,” that communication would be flagged, sent to some computer program for analysis and, if deemed suspicious, sent to a human interpreter for further analysis. If the human interpreter deems the message to be suspicious, the message is then sent to someone who decides what action to take regarding that message. If it isn’t deemed suspicious, the message is tagged and added to a database for storage until they can find a way to use that message against me.
This isn’t supposition. This is fact. In fact, the government has stated outright that is exactly how they treat such messages. Now, I know that many of you are thinking, “Well, Robert, you fear mongering communist, if you aren’t doing anything wrong, you don’t have anything to worry about.” On the surface, that seems to be a reasonable argument. I am, in fact, NOT doing anything wrong. I have absolutely no intention of ever conducting any form of terrorist act against my own people or against the government of the United States. That isn’t the kind of person I am. I love my country and its people and for what the country is SUPPOSED to stand. I would die for my country if necessary. I have already proven that by not only serving my country in the military during peace time but also during war time. So my patriotism is not in doubt.
However, if you look beyond the surface of that argument, you will see all that is wrong with it. The moral value which is wrong with that argument that I am going to deal with is the fact that the government seems to think it is acceptable for them to spy on us even if we aren’t doing anything wrong. They have no reason to believe that I am going to commit any act of terror. Yet, they believe it is okay to conduct a warrantless search on my Free Speech. Without probable cause and without a warrant, they have decided that they can snoop on all of your private communications.
So you think that if you are just careful and don’t use any of the keywords they are looking for in your communications, you have nothing to worry about, right? WRONG. The list of keywords they are looking for is expanding almost daily. It has gotten to the point where it is almost impossible to say or write anything that doesn’t have at least one word on their list.
But, again, that is beside the point. The fact remains that it is ILLEGAL for them to conduct such a seizure of your communications without a warrant signed by a judge. So what can we, as people who do not wish to see our communications spied on by our government, do to resist such actions? That is a good question.
The simplest and most effective way to disrupt their activities is to give them exactly what they are looking for. That’s right. Write communications several times per day with several of the keywords they are looking to find. Email them to yourself or to a friend. When speaking on your cell phone, make sure you use some of those keywords. Overload their computer systems so they don’t have the capacity to analyze all of the communications. It is similar to a computer hacker’s denial of service hack. They overload the server with requests for service to the point that the server cannot handle the requests and it is forced to shut down. If we do this, we can overwhelm their Utah compound in one day. It will not have the ability to handle all the communications it receives with those keywords and will eventually have to stop.
Once they see this happening, they will simply purchase more computing capacity. So we increase our efforts. We have hundreds of millions of people who utilize electronic communication every day. If every person participated in overwhelming their computers two or three times per day, they would NEVER be able to purchase enough computing power to analyze every communication. In other words, their mission will fail and they will be forced to cease operations.
Is this likely to increase the chances of terror activities in the United States if we do this? The answer is NO. The fact is, anyone interested in conducting such operations against the U.S. is going to use proxies, scrambled communications devices and other countermeasures.
Make no mistake about it. The intention of the government is not benign. It has only one purpose with this program: to illegally spy on all Americans all the time. Therefore, we, as Americans, have an obligation and a duty to resist their illegal activities. This form of resistance is designed to be harmless and cause no damage to anyone or any person’s property. Well, maybe not everyone’s. The illegal government use of electronic hardware and software may be damaged. But, that is our right. When the government conducts illegal activities, we have the right to do whatever is necessary to stop them.
Most who read this will think that I am just some whack job who is anti-government. You could not be farther from the truth. I fully support government. I am not an anarchist. Our founding fathers have set up for us an almost perfect governing system. I believe whole heartedly in that system. It is the best formed to date and has worked for us for centuries. There is no reason to change that form of government. Unfortunately, our current form of government doesn’t see things that way. A few decades ago, we saw a fundamental shift in the way government conducts itself. It began expanding at an alarming rate. It began granting itself powers it does not have the Constitutional right to have. It began to terrorize the American people.
My purpose in writing this is to motivate the American People, the rightful rulers of this country, to resist illegal laws. When passive resistance is not enough, then we must actively resist such laws. We have passed the point of passive resistance. The politicians have made it clear that they do not care if we passively resist. Therefore, it is time to actively resist. If active resistance does not work, then it is time to consider one of our last two options: capitulation or revolution. Let us hope it never comes to the point where we have to make that decision. But, as for now, we aren’t there yet. So active resistance is the path we must take at this point.
Challenges in court are an inevitable result of active resistance. If you believe your course to be morally justified and right, then you must be prepared to suffer the indignities and slanders the government will inevitably use against you. You must be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. You must be willing to be disappeared or suicided. For that is the route they have made very clear is the path for all who resist their attempts to overthrow our Constitutional form of government in favor of their tyranny. If you are not willing to make those sacrifices, that is fine. At least don’t get in the way of those who are willing.
It has been said, “When government fears the People, there is Liberty. When the People fear the government, there is tyranny.” You need to ask yourself one simple question to figure out where we as a society are today. Do you fear the government? People who are honest with themselves have no other option than to answer yes. If you don’t fear the government as it exists today, you are a part of the tyranny movement. If you do fear the government as it exists today, you are part of the Liberty movement. Don’t know whether you fear the government or not? While driving down the road minding your own business, a police cruiser pulls up behind you. Do you get nervous? Do you immediately begin to ensure you are doing everything correctly? What is the first thought that comes to your mind? That is a low level fear of your government. If the first thought through your mind isn’t, “Oh, there is a police officer behind me. Good for me, I am lucky they are there,” then you are afraid of your government. If the first thought through your mind is something to the effect of, “Crap, there is a cop behind me! Am I doing everything right? Is there an offensive bumper sticker on my car? Is he running my plates? Is my insurance up to date? Should I slow down so he will pass me?” then you are afraid of your government.
Have you ever thought or said, “I can’t say (or do) that because the government might come down on me?” Have you been told that you can’t protest in a certain area because there is a public official somewhere near by? Have you been told that you can’t say certain things? Are you afraid to say certain things to your neighbors or friends because they might take it the wrong way? Then you are afraid of your government.
Do you worry about the things your pastor, priest, rabbi or other religious leader says because it is controversial? Are you concerned about gun control? If a police officer knocks on your door and asks to come in to look around, do you let him because you think you have nothing to hide so you need to let him in? Then you are afraid of your government.
Are you worried that if a person breaks into your house in the middle of the night and you injure or kill that person that you may be imprisoned? Then you are afraid of your government.
Do you ever take extra measures to ensure your privacy whether in your own home or while walking down the street? Then you are afraid of your government.
The point is, the government has instilled a state of fear in the American population. That is known, by their own definition, as terrorism. Yes, I have said it, our government has become a sponsor of terror in our own country. You know what? We let this happen. We were duped into thinking their intentions were benign so we let them get away with a bunch of little things and now they have a grip on every aspect of our lives. The only thing they don’t have control over, yet, is when we take a shit.
This is not what America stands for. This is not the America I fought for. This is not the America our troops are currently fighting for. Our country stands for Freedom and Liberty for all people at all times. Period. No person should ever have any reason to fear their government. If you fear only one thing about your government, you live in a tyranny. If, on the other hand, the government exists in fear of YOU, then and only then, are you Free.
We currently do not live in a free society. We have done exactly what the founding fathers feared we would do: we traded our Freedoms for the illusion of security. Now, we have to work to retake our government back. We have to work extra hard to re-win our freedoms that we gave up.
One way to do that is to resist illegal actions by the government. Resist until they cry uncle. Then, take those who are guilty of committing or allowing those actions and try them in a court of law. No exceptions. If an FBI agent is conducting a warrantless search, that agent needs to face the music. The age old adage of “I was just following orders” will not be a defense. Every member of every government agency takes an oath to uphold the Constitution and defend it from all enemies foreign and domestic. When they follow orders that are illegal, they are willingly violating that oath. They must be held accountable for their actions. Every member of Congress takes that same oath. If they pass laws that violate the Constitution, they are willingly violating their oath and need to be held accountable. Every member of the Executive branch, including the President, also takes that oath. If they allow unconstitutional laws to be passed, or if they conduct themselves in a manner that violates the Constitution (such as illegally snooping on private citizen’s email) then they must be held accountable. The government and its agencies are NOT above the law, whether they believe so or not.
In conclusion, I would submit to you, dear reader, that it is time for Americans to take action and resist the terrorist state. It is time to go to our ballot boxes and vote for men and women of integrity who will uphold our Constitution.

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