I am not a revolutionary.
Really, I’m not. I would much rather see a peaceful solution to issues than a violent one. I believe most people feel the same way. But that doesn’t mean that I will run from a fight if it comes to my door. I am just saying that if we can find a way to peacefully, through the soapbox and ballot box, for example, solve the very divisive issues facing America right now, I would be very happy. I don’t want to see people engaging SWAT teams or BATF agents. That will only lead to an escalation in violence eventually involving the National Guard or the regular military. I would not want to see what America will become if that happens.
The problem is, we have too many apathetic people in the country right now. As long as the issues don’t directly affect their household, they really don’t care. For example, many of those who own rifles solely for hunting are not engaging in the gun control debate because their particular species of rifles are not on the “endangered guns species” list. So they allow their apathy to overcome their common sense and do nothing. They do not realize that their rifles are next to be banned as they will be labeled “sniper style weapons” by those in power like Senator Feinstein. She has already declared publicly that she would prefer a total gun ban in America (even though she owns a gun herself). It should be noted, in most of the gun ban legislation, she would be exempt from the ban.
The gun control issue is not the only issue where apathy dominates the minds of Americans, it is simply one that I have chosen to use as an example. The point is, people in America have become either incapable of looking into the future or they are unwilling to as it would force them to think for themselves. Most people still believe in journalistic integrity, though that went out with the ‘80’s. There are very few journalists left out there who are willing to tell the truth regardless of the consequences UNLESS that truth is guaranteed to bring huge ratings due to its highly emotionally charged content.
I understand why journalism has devolved into its current state. During the 70’s and 80’s, people became bored with the news. Let’s face it, reporting on only the facts is dry and people lose interest very quickly. News agencies realized that they needed to add emotion and color to their content in order to engage the recipient’s interest. So, they added some color and a bit of emotional impact items to their stories and people responded positively. Ratings improved for broadcast media and subscriptions increased for the print media.
Look, I understand journalistic integrity. I took journalism classes throughout high school and a few in college. A few of the articles I wrote back in those days even won some awards. In addition to journalism classes, I have taken many creative writing classes which I attribute to my award winning poetry and short stories. I am not saying this to brag, but simply to point out that I know the difference between good old fashioned journalism and the current form of journalism that focuses on sensationalism and creativity, whether it be truth or not.
This brings us back to the problem of apathy. As our technology has improved over the decades, we have become increasingly dependent on it. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it definitely has had a negative impact on our society as a whole. Our technology has allowed us to produce more, make more money and dominate the world’s economy. It has also caused us to become more dependent on entertainment and less self-dependent. Too much of our society has become addicted to the forty hour work week rut. They get up at six in the morning, work until four or five in the afternoon then go home to watch television until time for bed again. This is fine to a degree. Americans are a hardworking people. We deserve our entertainment time. The problem that most don’t understand is the entertainment they are watching is designed to tell them what to think, how to behave and even how to vote. It promotes values that are inconsistent with our social views, turning ordinarily thoughtful people into mindless and thoughtless zombies.
As an example, I am going to comment on the show “Continuum” currently showing on television. This show portrays those who are fighting for freedom and liberty as terrorists and the governing system trying to oppress them as the heroes. This is not a show I want my child to see as she needs to know and understand that concepts such as freedom and liberty are worth fighting to promote and protect. But those who are hooked on the show are receiving the message that promotion of freedom is a terrorist act. That concept is then backed up by our own government saying the exact same thing as Janet Napolitano has done on numerous occasions.
They are further given the wrong message when our President is seen bowing to a tyrannical Saudi King and giving hundreds of millions of dollars in aid and military hardware to known terrorist organizations.
But, since their cities and their homes have not been directly affected by terrorism, most Americans are unwilling or unable to consider the consequences of these actions. They don’t understand how their civil liberties have been slowly eroded over time until the government has become all powerful in a country that traditionally mistrusts government and where the power is vested in the PEOPLE and not in the government.
Janet Napolitano has stated publicly that those who love and support the U.S. Constitution are to be considered potential terrorists. Yet there is very little outcry over this. Why? Because people have been subjected to radical left wing extremism for so long they think it is normal to behave in that manner. Many have been bought and paid for by government entitlements. Let’s face it, if you were given free housing, free food and free cell phones, you may be inclined to do as you are told and vote for whomever is giving you these things. If you are unwilling to look at the consequences of these actions, you would fail to see that you are slowly being shackled and enslaved by the very people who are purporting to “help” you.
Politically, I am a right leaning moderate. I support much of the position of the right but I also support many positions of the left. For example, I am pro-choice and I believe college education should be free. I believe that marijuana should be legalized, regulated and taxed. So I cannot be considered a right wing radical just because I support the constitution and support the right of law abiding Americans to keep and bear arms. Yet, many on the left would have you believe that simply because I don’t agree with 100% of their agenda. For the left, it is an all or nothing gambit. You either agree with all of what they believe or you are subject to scorn, ridicule and outright slander.
I believe that America is at a crossroads in its development. We are at a point where we are going to turn right, turn left or keep on the middle way. I fear, though, that if the country turns right, the left will resort to the same terror tactics they claim to want to protect us from. If the country turns left, the right will have a general call to arms and engage the left in bloody combat. I think the only real way to save this country is for moderation to control our political future. The left has some good ideas. The right has some good ideas, too. We need to shake Americans awake and get them to realize, it isn’t an all or nothing prospect. You don’t have to dedicate your lives to either side. You have the right to pick and choose those ideas you think are good from either side and act upon them.
Continuing to do what we have always done will only result in more insanity. It is time to do something different, America.

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